Introducing Society Brands: Tech company launch video from Long Haul Films
By melissa@longhaulfilms.com in Our Work
Back in 2022, Long Haul Films was invited to collaborate with the team at Society Brands, a tech-enabled consumer products company that acquires e-commerce brands and evolves them into household names.
We traveled to Florida to film with the leadership team of Society Brands, which includes successful global tech investors, e-commerce marketing experts, and entrepreneurs with impressive track records. It’s always exciting to work with a nascent organization like Society Brands, which wanted video to play a starring role on their website, to help introduce the team and its track record, and break down the opportunities for potential partners.
In addition to the edited video we created for Society Brand’s launch, the company used various elements from our shoot to add excitement and energy to their website. Check out https://www.societybrands.com/ to see how video was integrated to give the website a dynamic feeling. And check out the final video: